Sensory Integration Occupational Therapy

Using The Sensory Integration Approach of Occupational Therapy To Help Kids With Autism. Autism can be devastating for children and their parents.

Autism is so debilitating because it affects neural development and leads to difficulty in social interaction and communication. With the recent explosion in documented autism cases, researchers and scientists are trying desperately to find what causes autism and how to minimize or eliminate its symptoms. Some studies show positive results when using the sensory integration approach of occupational therapy in order to help kids with this condition.

What is the sensory integration approach?

This type of therapy involves presenting children with autism varies sensory and mechanical challenges, focusing on using a variety of the senses. These challenges are gradually made more difficult over time, and the goal is for the child to show consistent improvements. The process of the sensory integration approach for autism allows children to be relaxed as they "play" with the therapist. The therapist also allows the child to decide on which projects to work on. Another key element of the sensory integration approach is to include sensory integration projects throughout the day.

The theory goes that the more senses that a child with autism can access and use, the better his brain will be to combat the negative effects caused by autism. By activating more parts of the human brain more often, synapses that were not working properly have shown improvements.

Although some positive feedback has been documented regarding the effectiveness of sensory integration therapy on autistic children, much more studies need to be conducted. Although it is good to stay positive, additional research needs to be completed. Sensory integration therapy does help those with autism. But how much and for how long will require extra research to determine.

This type of occupation therapy shows more promise for children than it does for adults. The earlier that autism is caught and sensory integration treatment can occur, the greater the effect that the treatment is in reducing the amount of visible symptoms caused by autism.

Although there is still no cure or vaccination for autism, using the sensory integration approach to occupation therapy shows hope in reducing the symptoms associated with autism and allowing those with this condition to live a more "normal" life.

tuesday, october 22. 2024 - (week 43)